Tuesday, April 14, 2009


1. What has Teach 21 meant to me?

I have really enjoyed and learned so much by being part of the Teach 21 group at Bolton. I think it has helped me grow professionally and has made me "stretch" my comfort zone. I am willing to learn and love doing things that keep the students excited about learning. I want them to want to come to the computer lab. I also, want to help teachers feel comfortable using technology in their classrooms.

2. How has it changed my teaching?
Teach 21 has really changed my teaching! There are times that I think I have done very little but at others I feel like I am really making steps in the right direction. I guess I agree with the thought that if we as teachers feel like we have got it all together then we need to stop teaching! As I continue in my teaching career I feel more comfortable with the fact that I am constantly changing the way I do things and looking for better ways to reach the students. Teach 21 has given me the ability to find new things and continue to grow as a teacher.

3. What impact has it had on my students? How do I know?
The impact of Teach 21 has been huge. While working with all of the 3-5 students at Bolton in the computer lab I have been able to see the impact of Teach 21 school wide. It is so amazing the changes that are visible in the students who have become users of technology on a continual basis. I have taught the same computer lab lesson to each class at a grade level and the impact of their skills is amazing. Students who are using technology on a "daily" basis are becoming very quick studies and are soaking up new skills at a very rapid pace. This is so motivational and makes me want to do more!

I am so thankful to have been a part of this group and I plan to continue my learning process so that I can continue to pass along skills to our students.

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